School Testing Services


Has your local elementary, middle school or high school been tested for radon?

On August 13, 2009, Public Act 96-0417 was signed. This Act recommends, requires and/or authorizes the following action with regard to radon and schools in Illinois:

  1. Recommends all Illinois school districts test their school buildings every five years.
  2. Requires Illinois schools that do test for radon to report the results to the State Board of Education.  The State Board of Education will then report radon test data bi-annually to the General Assembly. This data will be made public.
  3. Authorizes the Illinois Emergency Management Association to allow school staff to test their own buildings if they have been properly trained.
  4. All new construction school buildings in Illinois should be built with radon-resistant new construction techniques.
  5. Recommends that if the results of a radon screening test are found to be 4.0 pCi/L or above, the school district may hire a licensed radon professional to perform measurements before any mitigation decisions are made.